November 8, 2011

The Feast of Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity

"I have found my Heaven on earth: since Heaven is God and God is in my soul!"  In speaking these words, Blessed Elisabeth, who understood the Christian life in terms of becoming the praise of God's glory, opens up her wonderful vision of the present moment as the nexus in which the purpose of faith, the heart, and the presence of God coincide.  In this grace filled moment with which God has entrusted us, eternity is already beginning and progressing in time while Heaven and earth are embracing.  In this moment, the heart can find its home in God because God is always ready to make the heart his home in ever new ways.  To fully enter into this moment and all the truth it contains, all we need to do is raise our minds and hearts to the Bridegroom who stands at the door and knocks.  In her prayers, she begs Him to facinate her - because once our hearts are fixed on the One who has died for us, the Fire of the Holy Spirit transforms us into fiery icons of divine love and the mystery of the Word Incarnate is renewed in our own lives.  For those who feel their weakness and are tempted to be discouraged by their failures, the Radiant One waits to be let into our thoughts, into our memories, into our imagination, into our affections so that the glory of God might be revealed, so that like Elisabeth, we too might become the praise of God's glory.   

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