April 28, 2010

The Great Act of Faith

"We have come to know and to believe in the love Christ has for us."  That is our great act of faith, the way to repay God love for love; it  is the "mystery hidden" in the Father's heart, of which St. Paul speaks, which, at last, we penetrate and our whole soul thrills!  The soul is able to believe in this exceeding love which envelops it,. It no longer rests in inclinations or feelings; it matters little whether it feels God or not, whether He sends it joy or suffering: such a soul believes in His love.  The more tried it is, the more its faith increases because it passes over  all obstacles, as it were, to go to rest in the heart of infinite Love who can perform only words of love.  

These words of Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity continue our thoughts on faith in the Risen Lord.   Faith in Jesus mean above all to trust in his love.  If we really want to be his disciples, his love alone carries us as we follow Him.  He wants us completely enveloped in the movement of his own heart and he allows all the movements of our hearts to envelop Him.  His love is our true life.  His love is the only way.  

To believe in the love Christ has for us is not mere sentimentality or a pious wish.    Such love burns away sin, even when we fall again and again.  Such love is greater than any discouragement and every suffering.  Such love always lifts up, pushing us forward and pulling us in.  We must allow our hearts to rest only in His love - no other love is worthy of our rest.  To believe, to abide, to rest, to live by this love, in this love, through this love is to live a totally transformed existence of love.  By resting in His love we find the strength to love all those He has given us to love.  Yet to abide in this love requires that we search for it - and through the Holy Spirit, this love that has conquered death is found in the depths of our own heart.  Ask for it - God is a generous giver.  Seek this Love - He yearns to be found.     Knock - Love Himself has already opened the door.

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